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Evercoat EASY SAND Flowable Putty Stopper Polyester Finishing Filler 880ml

Evercoat Easy Sand 880ml two-part flowable polyester finishing and blending putty. Contains Hattonite™for optimum sanding performance
Great for filling and skim coating body work, pinholes, grind marks, low spots and other surface imperfections.
Adheres well to steel, galvanized, other zinc coated steel, aluminum, and most rigid to semi-rigid fiberglass and thermo-set plastics.
Self levels.
Pot Life - 5-6 minutes
Dry to Sand Time - 15-20 minutes
Max Thickness (after sanded) - 3mm

Evercoat EASY SAND Flowable Putty Stopper Polyester Finishing Filler 880ml

VAT Included